Factors wich a ect quality of life in Haiti as seen by country directors, sta and goverment employees aliated with ingos

  • Jose Antonio Sanchez Valdez
  • Mario P. Augustave
Palabras clave: life, quality, goverment employees


The empirical model in which resources, governance, physical security and regulatory framework are predictors to the quality of life in Haiti perceived by international nonegovernmental organizations (INGOs) employees and sta representative
subset of employees and sta of some INGOs in Haiti, sta in the Ministere de Planification et des aairs externes (UCAINGO) and recipients of aids from INGOs in Haiti.

Cómo citar
Sanchez Valdez, J. A., & Augustave, M. P. (2020). Factors wich a ect quality of life in Haiti as seen by country directors, sta and goverment employees aliated with ingos. Anuario De Investigación UM, 1(1), 5-6. Recuperado a partir de http://anuarioinvestigacion.um.edu.mx/index.php/anuarioium/article/view/160